
Dizzy Down the Rapids boxcover 0


Visited 3932  times

Added on 02/07/12

Last edit on 18/03/14

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Dizzy Down the Rapids screenshot 0
Dizzy Down the Rapids screenshot 1
Dizzy Down the Rapids screenshot 2
Dizzy Down the Rapids screenshot 3
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Game Info

Medium: tape
Models: CPC 464/664/6128  
Type: game
Released: yes
Year: 1991
Genre: Arcade
Compilations: Dizzy's Excellent Adventures
Number of players: 1 - 2
Language(s): english   
Prequel(s): Bubble Dizzy, Kwik Snax
Sequel(s): Dizzy V - Spellbound Dizzy, Dizzy VI - Prince of the Yolkfolk, Panic Dizzy, Crystal Kingdom Dizzy
Developer: The Oliver twins
Publisher: Codemasters
Programmers: Paul Griffiths         
Artists: Michael Sanderson         
Musicians: Allister Brimble         
Package art: clear case
Wikipedia link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dizzy_Down_the_Rapids
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