A.K.A. Fred, Roland Aux Oubliettes, Roland Am Seil


Roland on the Ropes boxcover 0
Roland on the Ropes boxcover 1


Visited 19789  times

Added on 02/07/12

Last edit on 23/11/15

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Roland on the Ropes screenshot 0
Roland on the Ropes screenshot 1
Roland on the Ropes screenshot 2
Roland on the Ropes screenshot 3
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Game Info

Medium: tape, disc
Models: CPC 464/664/6128  
Type: game
Released: yes
Year: 1984
Genre: Arcade
Compilations: 5 Estrellas
Amsoft 12-Pack
Super Games II
Number of players: 1
Language(s): english   
Developer: Indescomp
Publisher: Amsoft
Programmers: Fernando Rada   Camilo Cela   Carlos Granados   
Package art: small black case
If you have any other information or media that could be added to this game's page, please contact us .


(15/09/17 2:16 PM)
"Wunderbares Spiel und eines meiner ersten Games überhaupt. Im Vergleich zu den anderen Roland Spielen, auch deutlich schöner gestaltet."
(18/06/15 2:31 PM)
"I have ve played it as Freddy on the TI 99 4a, that was great. But I see it in the last months, that this games is Roland on the Ropes!!!"
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